Tuesday, May 28, 2019




              Amit opened his eyes, just to see a mighty sword, levitating in thin air, with its sharpened end between his fingers, at a distance, just a millimeter away from his forehead. Amit was frightened, he couldn’t understand what was happening.
Amit dropped his stick and stepped back, with the sword still levitating in mid air, he started screaming, “What’s  happening? Whoever you’re, just stay away from me”. He was talking to no one else, but just thin air. He could see no one, but the sword. “fear not kid, you’re safe”, a sound from the unknown. Amit yelled back, “Who are you? Why can’t I see you? Are you a ghost?”

                 “You are seeing me kid, I’m right in front of you. I’m the one, who you’re thinking is a sword”, replied the sword. Amit’s mind was blown. He yelled again, “What the hell are you saying? You say that you’re a magical, speaking sword. And that, is impossible. Stop trying to fool me and tell me who you’re.”

                  “Everything is possible kid. Hold me to know me completely”. “Yes, I will, but assure me that I’ll be alive”, replied Amit. “I cannot assure you, even if it’s sure that you’ll  live. You weren’t born with an assurance to live, now hold me.”

                  Amit stepped ahead, he reached the handle of the sword and held it. He observed it keenly. It was a sword with a rusted metal blade, not sure of what metal it was, with the hilt(handle) covered with a type of skin and structure like the gills of a fish on the guard of the sword (The portion joining the sword and the handle). He observed that it was breathing through the gills like structures. He could feel the mild blow of it’s breath on his fingers.

                                        “Now tell me who you’re”, asked Amit. “I’m the sword of wisdom, and you can call me ‘wise’”, as soon as Wise finished this, everything in front of Amit started shining bright, within a few moments, it was all bright white. “Wait, what’s happening?”, “Be patient Amit, I’m going to explain you my birth”, replied Wise. “first, clear up this thing. Are you scientific or superficial?”. “I’m scientifically superficial”, replied Wise.

                    “What do you mean by scientifically superficial?” asked Amit. “You human’s, call what you believe happens, as “science”; and what doesn’t, according to you,  as “superficial” things. But I am, which is possible, but you don’t believe. According to me, I’m scientific and according to you, I’m superficial. Now, sit back and close your eyes.”

                     “Oh! Where should I even sit? It’s all white, I ain’t able to see anything”, 
asked Amit. “There will be a chair if you sit. It’s all in your thoughts kid. The moment you held me, I bounded myself with you. And now, you’re seeing what you are imagining and what I want you to see.” Amit tried to sit back at the position where he was standing, he knew that there were no lifted surfaces to sit, but he tried. He could sit, on nothing but thin air.

                  “My birth started at the very beginning of life on earth, the moment the life form which you call Cyanobacteria was born. It started with the combination of two hydrogen atoms and continued for centuries till the aquatic life started. I combined with almost all the metals and metalloids to form the alloy of my blade, which was merely out of shape.”

                  “Then, how did you gain life? A metal cannot gain life on its own”, asked Amit in surprise. “That’s where you’re mistaken. As your skeleton formed out of calcium and phosphate, mine was born out of this uncommon combination of metals, formed by the rarest of reactions you could ever imagine, even combined with an element which you haven’t discovered yet, maybe of atomic number 151. Next comes my skin, it formed naturally as yours, just like the skin of the very first organisms, I then developed these gills like structures, which help me breathe, sense everything including radiations which help me visualize things, creating my sight. This is how I evolved since ages, witnessing the death of dinosaurs and the end of the ice age.”

                 “Well, if that’s true, then how could you do all this, flying, speaking my 
language, creating these illusions and all?” asked Amit, in the eager to know. Wise replied, “Ever heard of the man named ‘Nikolai Kardashev’?”, “Yeah, a famous astrophysicist who classified extraterrestrial civilizations based on their advancements and energy they use. And we humans are 0.72% of type 1 civilization, that is we aren’t even able to harness and use the complete energy of our earth. And type 7 would be almost equal to God”, said Amit. “Yeah, and  what if I say I’m type 5 and so I’m able to do all this. Type 5 would be able to control the energy of the multiverse.”

                 “That means you can do a lot and no one can stop you, am I right?”, “Probably not. I don’t completely belong to type 5. I have only a few capabilities of them. I have a very few but the best of their capabilities”, said Wise.

                   “Whoa! Now I understand. Now I too accept that you’re a scientifically possible being”, replied Amit, “But, does the multiverse really exist? And what’s that unknown element?”. Wise explains, “I cannot reveal it Amit. It’s against my existence. You humans have to find them yourself.”

                   “But why did you meet me? And.. and why are you explaining this to me? And what was that bright streak of light yesterday?” asked Amit. Suddenly, everything turned dark, completely dark from the shining white environment.

Was it interesting? What do you think was the bright streak of  light? Why did Wise meet only Amit but no one else? What do you think will happen in the next chapter? Let me know in the comments.

Refer these links to know more about,

1.Nikolai kardashev and the kardashev scale, type 1- 7 civilizations.







YASH�� said...

Emo bro.... I think wise chose him coz he's enthusiastic and good in defensive skills....

Unknown said...

I liked your work. Within two chapters a reader gets a good amount of interest. It's totally interesting science fiction story ...
Good work writer.
Waiting for the next chapter .

Tarang Garlapally said...

He's learning by himself, while there are a lot of professionals who are a lot better than him. There may be any other reason too. Wait for the next chapter to know it.

Tarang Garlapally said...

Thank you😅😅

Anonymous said...

What a fiction bro...!
Waiting eagerly for the next chapter..!
Bro awesome

Unknown said...

Your way of writing taken me into the situations...interesting story..waiting for the nxt part

Tarang Garlapally said...

Thank you bro

Tarang Garlapally said...

You'll get even more deeper into it with the next chapters and particularly part-2